Our philosophy

English is the language used for instruction across all subjects. Greek native speakers follow the Ministry of Education's curriculum to learn Greek, while non-native Greek speakers receive instruction in Greek as a second or additional language. Additionally, the school offers Turkish as an elective language option, as it is the second official language of the island.
Montessori materials are designed to facilitate the acquisition of language skills by engaging children in hands-on, experiential learning. These materials are carefully selected and arranged to support the development of specific language skills, such as phonemic awareness, letter recognition, vocabulary, and sentence construction. For example, the sandpaper letters are used to introduce children to the shapes and sounds of letters, and the movable alphabet allows them to create words and sentences independently. Additionally, children are introduced to the grammar symbols, where they learn to identify the parts of speech, which enable them to construct complex sentences. Grammar symbols are used to reinforce grammar concepts, making grammar learning fun and interactive.
Similarly, the reading corner, bookshelves with age-appropriate books, and library time, encourages children to read independently, improving their reading comprehension and vocabulary. Furthermore, children are encouraged to write stories, journals, and poetry, which develops their creativity and expression. The Montessori approach to language instruction is multi-faceted and comprehensive, as it encompasses a wide range of materials and activities to cater to the individual needs of each student. The use of Montessori materials enables students to learn at their own pace, giving them the freedom to explore and master language skills while having fun.