Montessori education focuses on looking at each child in a holistic perspective. The emotional, physical, spiritual and social aspects are all catered for.
Mixed age group.
The teacher is a guide and facilitator.
The environment is prepared by the teacher with accessible learning materials.
The children learn from each other. Peer teaching eliminates the possibility of too much teacher-centred work. The children are encouraged to teach and help each other.
Students develop self-discipline and an internal sense of purpose and motivation.
Students learn not to be afraid of making mistakes, they come to see them as natural steps in the learning process.
The curriculum is catered for each child.
Grace and courtesy as well as conflict resolution are integral parts of the Montessori peace curriculum.
The Montessori approach is described as an “education for life”.
Traditional Method
Traditional education focuses on competence, skill level and emphasis on social development.
Same age group.
The teacher has the central role in the classroom.
The teacher is the centre of the classroom as the instructor.
The teaching is mostly done by the teacher.
Expectations and discipline are determined by the teacher.
Work is corrected by the teacher and errors are seen as mistakes.
The curriculum is catered for the whole class.
Conflict resolution is taught separately from daily activities.
The traditional approach’s goal is to master curricular objectives.
The Montessori Method
Montessori education focuses on looking at each child in a holistic perspective. The emotional, physical, spiritual and social aspects are all catered for.
Mixed age group.
The teacher is a guide and facilitator.
The environment is prepared by the teacher with accessible learning materials.
The children learn from each other. Peer teaching eliminates the possibility of too much teacher-centred work. The children are encouraged to teach and help each other.
Students develop self-discipline and an internal sense of purpose and motivation.
Students learn not to be afraid of making mistakes, they come to see them as natural steps in the learning process.
The curriculum is catered for each child.
Grace and courtesy as well as conflict resolution are integral parts of the Montessori peace curriculum.
The Montessori approach is described as an “education for life”.
Traditional Method
Traditional education focuses on competence, skill level and emphasis on social development.
Same age group.
The teacher has the central role in the classroom.
The teacher is the centre of the classroom as the instructor.
The teaching is mostly done by the teacher.
Expectations and discipline are determined by the teacher.
Work is corrected by the teacher and errors are seen as mistakes.
The curriculum is catered for the whole class.
Conflict resolution is taught separately from daily activities.
The traditional approach’s goal is to master curricular objectives.