Morningside Montessori school
Together we can create the environment in which our children will thrive.

Parental involvement
Our school’s community includes not just the students and staff, but also the children’s families. We aim to embrace and reach out to families, through dialogue, ongoing communication, and education, and events. Together we can create the environment in which our children will thrive.
The Morningside Montessori elementary parents’ association (MMEPA)
The Morningside Montessori Elementary (MME) Parents’ Association (PA) is a non-profit organisation, separate from the school, with a mandate to promote a sense of community and to establish a network of support for all our families.
Parental involvement in our community only serves to enhance and enrich the Montessori experience. Morningside Elementary School is most successful when parents make a commitment, depending on their personal interests and available time and resources, to participate in the school experience.

Our mission
The Morningside Montessori Elementary (MME) Parents’ Association (PA) is a non-profit organisation, separate from the school, with a mandate to promote a sense of community and to establish a network of support for all our families.
Parental involvement in our community only serves to enhance and enrich the Montessori experience. Morningside Elementary School is most successful when parents make a commitment, depending on their personal interests and available time and resources, to participate in the school experience.
All parents/guardians of children enrolled at Morningside are automatically considered members of the MME Parents’ Association. Meetings are held periodically throughout the year and a subscription fee of 40 euros is requested per family. This fee allows the PA to host social and educational events throughout the school year without charging admission, with the only exception being a handful of our annual fundraising initiatives.
The PA is led by an elected Council, with input from anyone within the MME Community. The PA Council consists of a rotating Chair and Vice Chair, a Secretary, a Treasurer and three Parent Representatives. Council meetings are held typically once per month during the school year. Meeting times are published in advance and are open to the entire MME Community.
The Council accepts event/activity proposals via email. In keeping with our mission, PA events/activities are designed to be community building or to provide support to the school. These are reviewed by the Council, and approved events are announced by the start of the new academic year.
Get involved!
Parental involvement is vital in a small school such as ours. We need every MME family to take an active role in the work and fun of the PA.
We are always looking for parents who would like to get involved so if you are interested, please send an email
Working on a PA event is a great way to get to know other families and an opportunity to become actively involved in your child’s educational experience. Please feel free to contact any PA Council Member with any questions, comments or suggestions.